
creating Podcasts and YouTube Videos

  • 85 posts
  • $18.87/month

Choose your membership

OG MiniCast listener
 / month
Sold Out

Limited spaces - SOLD OUT

Members of this tier get a shout out on the "Mini-Cast" once a month for every month that they remain an active supporter. If I opt to not do a Mini-Cast in a month, the shout out may occur on the main show. 

  • Discord access 
Mini-Cast Listener
 / month
Members of this tier get a shout out on the "Mini-Cast" on the month they join. If I opt to not do a Mini-Cast in that month, the shout out may occur on the main show.
OG Listener
 / month

Limited (2 of 4 remaining)

At least once a month  I will give a shout out to my OG listeners on the main podcast. I will either shout out your name, nickname, twitter handle, etc (as long as the name is clean). That is your choice. Also, you will qualify for a special gift after 12 months of continuous support at this level as discussed on the podcast. 

  • Discord access 
Recommended by creator
 / month
When you sign up as a listener I will give a shout out the month you start supporting the show. I will either shout out your name, nickname, twitter handle, etc (as long as the name is clean). That is your choice.
 / month
You get at least 1  special shout out on the main podcast and listed as a producer on You will also get to leave your opinion when I put up polls on what I should work on next.

Also, you will qualify for a special gift after 12 months of continuous support at this level as discussed on the podcast. 
  • Discord access 
Producer Hero
 / month

Limited (20 of 20 remaining)

Get a shout once a week on the main show and once a month on the minicast. Also, get one bumper sticker for supporting Liberal Dan Radio. After the first month credits. Also the same benefits as a Producer.
  • Discord access 
 / month

Limited (10 of 10 remaining)

One (1) 30 second commercial during the main show  The rate will be good through at least 12/31/2023.   In order to have a commercial aired on the podcast, you must agree wo the following: 

  • Discord access 
MiniCast sponsor
 / month

Limited (1 of 1 remaining)

Get announced as the sponsor of the "Mini-Cast" and get 1 minute of commercial advertising each show for a minimum of 2 shows  The rate will be good through 12/31/2023.  You must agree to the following terms to have commercial advertising aired on the show:

  • Discord access 
Bit sponsor
 / month

Limited (3 of 3 remaining)

Hour Sponsor
 / month

Limited (12 of 12 remaining)

Studio Sponsor Tier
 / month

Limited (1 of 1 remaining)

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